Caregiver-infant interactions
Basis for attachment
Reciprocity: turn taking; eliciting a response from the other
Interactional synchrony: mirroring
Meltzoff & Moore (1977) - IS shown as early as 2-3 weeks old
Still face experiment: Tronick (1975)
+ Highly controlled research
- Koepke (1983) failed to replicate M&M
- Isabella (1989) securely attached children more likely to interact
- Methodological issues: babies
Lorenz: Random allocation, 1/2 geese eggs hatched with Lorenz & 1/2 with mother; mixed up in upturned box, incubator group followed Lorenz and others the mother
Critical period: Lengthened the time between birth and seeing 1st object - imprinting needs to be within 17 hours
Harlow: 16 rhesus monkeys, one wire mother with food, one cloth mother no food, spent more time with and when scared went to cloth mother. As adults 'prived' monkeys hurt offspring.
+ Guiton (1966) sexual imprinting on yellow glove
- Issues with animal extrapolation
+ Real life application
- Ethical issues of Harlow
Types of attachment: Ainsworth
Strange situation; controlled observation, 7 stages of 3 minutes, 2 way mirror, target behaviour = proximity seeking, secure base, stranger anxiety, separation anxiety, reunion behaviour.
Three attachment types:
Secure (Type B) 60-75%, Insecure-Avoidant (Type A) 20-25%, Insecure-Resistant (Type C) 3%
+ Standardised procedure. High inter-rater reliability 94%.
+ Good predictive validity of future outcomes (Hazan & Shaver)
- Main & Soloman added Type D Insecure-Disorganised
- Ethnocentric bias - imposed etic to generalise to other cultures
- Ignores temperament (Kagan)
Romanian orphans: Institutionalisation
Rutter (2011) 165 Romanian orphans and 52 adopted 'control' group, longitudinal study (tested at 4, 6, 11, 15 and 22-25 yrs)
Adopted <6 months IQ 102
Adopted 6 months - 2 years IQ 86
Adopted >2 years IQ 77
Adopted >6 months disinhibited attachment (indiscriminate attachment)
Support Bowlby's sensitive period
Zeanah (2005) 95 institutionalised Romanian children 12-31 mths
19% securely attached compared to 74% controls
44% disinhibited attachment compared to 20% controls
+ Real world application
+ Longitudinal research -long terms effects
- Low generalisability - specific type of deprivation
- Complexity of institutions - confounding variables
Schaffer's Stages of attachment
Stage 1: Asocial - weeks
Stage 2: Indiscriminate - 2-7 months, preference for people, no separation anxiety
Stage 3: Specific - 7 months, separation anxiety, primary attachment formed
Stage 4: Multiple - 1 year, secondary attachments 29% within one month
S&E (1964) Glaswegian baby study, 60 working-class infants & mothers, visited every month for a year & at 18 months, mothers self reported separation protest & stranger anxiety to researcher.
Infants attached to most sensitive to babies needs
- Social desirability bias
- Lacks population validity
- Practical applications
- Methodological issues: babies
Learning theory of attachment
Cupboard love - based on food
CC: Mother (NS) is paired with food (UCS) so CS-CR (pleasure) link is formed
OC: When baby cries mother feeds (+ve reinforcement)
Mother keeps feeding the baby to remove crying (-ve reinforcement)
Mum is a secondary driver & the food is the primary driver
- Harlow's research
- Quality time is most important to form attachment (S&E 1964)
- Environmentally reductionist
- Hay and Vespo (1988) SLT better explains modelling attachment behaviour and vicarious reinforcement of wanted behaviours
Cultural variations in attachment
Van Ijzendoorn & Kroonenberg (1988) meta analysis; 32 studies, 8 countries, 1990 ppts
Secure attachment most common
Individualist countries had highest insecure-avoidant
Collectivist countries had highest insecure-resistant
Simonelli (2014) 76 infants, 50% insecure - temporal validity?
Jin (2012) 87 infants, only one avoidant baby
+ V&K (1988) - more difference within a country rather than across - cannot generalise
- V&K (1988) individualistic culture bias: 27/32 studies
- Imposed etic to use a Westernised test to judge others
+ Standardised procedure. High inter-rater reliability 94%.
Early attachment on later relationships
First attachment template for future relationships (IWM)
Continuity hypothesis
Romantic: +ve IWM = good relationship expectations
-ve IWM = poor relationship expectations
Hazan & Shaver (1987) - resistant = shorter relationships, avoidant = not like intimacy, secure attachments = long lasting
Parenting: Bailey (2000) interviewed mothers on attachment with own mother and observed attachment style of their infant. They found same attachment with baby as to own mother; Harlow (1966)
Friendships: Myron-Wilson and Smith (1998) secure not involved in bullying, avoidant likely to be victims, resistant likely to be perpetrator
+ Contradictory case study evidence e.g. Genie & Czech twins
- Retrospective nature of studies
- Methodological issues of Love Quiz
- Does highlighting a risk lead to a self fulfilling prophecy?
Role of the
S&E (1964) 3% solely attached to dad, 75% had attachment to dad by 18 months
Father has a separate distinct role as a playmate (Grossman)
Fathers can be the primary caregiver if mum is absent (Field)
Biological differences - mum has more oestrogen/ oxytocin
Social differences - expectations of females = caring
+ A distinct role of playmate (Grossman, 2002)
+ Hrdy (1999) fathers less likely to detect distress
- Belsky (2009) depends on security of adult relationship
-/+ Impact on the economy
Bowlby's theory of attachment
Miss Ceci (acronym)
Attachment is innate for survival (evolutionary theory)
Monotropy - infants have a special bond with mother (or substitute)
Internal working model - blueprint of relationships
Continuity hypothesis - the IWM stays consistent in lifetime
Critical period (0-2.5 yrs) & sensitive period (0-5 yrs)
Social releasers - innate behaviours that trigger attachments system of adults
+ Brazleton (1975) importance of social releasers
+ Bailey (2007) IWM: 99 mothers - those with insecure attachment style had poor attachment with own child
+ Rutter (2011) importance of critical period
- Social sensitivity: expectations of females
- S&E (1964) multiple attachments
Bowlby's maternal deprivation hypothesis
Maternal deprivation is prolonged separation
Critical period of 0-2.5 years
Best dose for infant to be away from mum is zero dose
Deprivation leads to irreversible damage: delinquency, low IQ and affectionless psychopathy
44 thieves study: 44 'delinquents', families and ppt interviewed, 14/44 affectionless psychopaths and 12/44 experienced maternal deprivation
- Low reliability - Lewis did not replicate results on wider sample
- Social desirability bias of study
- Bowlby confused privation and deprivation
+ Too deterministic (irreversible) Romanian orphans reversed IQ damage before 6 mths
+ Social sensitivity
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